Sunday, February 17, 2008

Found a house!

Well, we found a house. It is in the right school district for Brady (based on our research). We are moving in about a month to Williamsburg, VA. I am really a little excited about all of the historical places and things we can do and see.
Matt had a birthday yesterday. We had a nice family get together - just us and grandparents. Very low key and nice. I also got my birthday present early because Matt will be gone when I slide further down that hill toward those big numbers. :o) I got footy pajamas!!!!! they are precious. We have this thing about footy pjs. I bought Brady some and Daddy was not pleased. Thought I was shaming the he bought me some. Well guess what...I love them! hehe
Picture to follow.
What do you guys think? Is 4 yrs old too big for footy pjs?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The return of the storm

Well Altheus returned in all her fury on Wednesday night and by Thurs am I was in the ER. Jack, my brother, was the next of kin in charge of taking care of me initially. I had friends show up and call, Mom, Jay and Jane helped with Brady, Dustin came to the hospital and Matt came home. I had to go back on Friday morning for more shots because it just wouldn't let up. They did a Cat Scan to make sure nothing else was going on. Thank goodness nothing was. I will tell you that God works on you when you are weak. He reveals things to your heart. I had become pretty darn independent. Not always a bad thing, but I guess I had been holding lots in. Remember my comment about "I can't remember the last Time I really cried"??? Well once it started, there has been no stopping it. I know that some of this emotional letting is just getting rid of all the medicine they put in me. But I REALLY didn't want Matt to go back to VA, so we did the next best thing. We cancelled therapy, pulled Brady out of school for 4 days and came back with him. :o) I realized once again how much I love and need him. I hated to miss school and therapy, but I really felt like I had no choice. I have done a lot of praying and relaxing. Yesterday I felt like physicallly I made a big jump forward. I still am sore in lots of places, but my heart is feeling better. I feel so loved because of all of you who called and said you were thinking of me and pryaing for me. Thank you all so much. I love ya....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hurricane Altheus

Ok- today I was in the Storm of a Migraine headache. It was bad, but I made it. It was the first one this year, so in the tradition of terrible storms this one was named Altheus.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Professor Brady

Today we taught the 3/4 yr olds at church. I say "we" because Brady designated himself teacher along with me. When class started we all sat down on the carpet to pray and talk about how we should act and treat each other. Well Brady took over. He Said "excuse me" and then proceded to introduce me (Miss Mama) and himself (Professor Brady). He sat up front with me, called me Miss Mama the entire class and when I addressed him as "Brady", he corrected me. He was Professor Brady. He was actually a very good assistant teacher. Who knew!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Wednesday Syndrome

In studying behavioral therapy, I have learned that when something occurs over and over again the same way, you should come to expect it and adapt to it....well I guess I haven't learned a thing this past year. We have a syndrome in our house called "Wednesday". This is a typical picture of Brady on a Wednesday between 5:00 and 6:00pm - yes he is fast asleep! Wednesday is Brady's longest day of therapy. We have two hours in early AM, School from 11:30 to 2:00, Therapy from 3:00-5:00 ( usually a playdate that we look very forward too), and then Therapy from 5:00 to 6:00. It is a marathon. Sometimes he falls asleep writing or working during that last hour, but most of the time he makes it. As a result he ususally falls as early as 7:00pm. Every time, I think "wow a few hours to myself". The looming consequences seem to vanish from my memory. I watch taped shows that I have been saving since Brady's diagnosis in May 2005. I get very a whole meal...oh how the immediate gratification is endless....

Then I snuggle up to him about 9:00, watch tv bed (not cartoons) until 10:00 and go to sleep.

THEN at approximately 2:30 or 3:00am I hear this,,,,"Mom, I'm hungry, lets do a puzzle, Can I have some juice, Is Spongebob on yet?" Then the triggered response to "Wednesday" tells me...Why didn't you keep him up or why didn't go to bed at 8:00? I absolutely Never get it right. So I have been up since 3:00. I just made Brady his lunch (it is 7:00am). The good news is I just went to check on him in the dining room and he said, "Mom, I just love you". :o) ahhhh

Now what was I saying?????