Hey there,
I am so sorry it has been soooooo long.
We are all fine. However, Mom has had a terrible bout with pnuemonia. We are now on our second antibiotic and a nebulizer(sp) at home. We pretty much had to beg to keep her out of the hospital, but we were successful. Brady has been sick and I hurt my neck and am now in Physical Therapy (which is helping). I hate all that negative stuff, but it is totally my excuse for not posting. Soooo here is the good stuff. School is going fantastic for Brady, The weather is absolutely beautiful along with the scenery, and I have made a couple of friends. We are still visiting churches. Matt is good. He has been traveling some. Matt's parents came for a visit and found a house in downtown Colonial Williamsburg right next to William and Mary College. TAlk about location! It is so fun downtown. We went to Indiana to visit Brady's GREAT grandparents and Great Aunt and Uncle in Indiana. They live near Purdue University where Matt's uncle is a professor. We also met up with Aunt Marianna there :o)So we are really doing ok. I can't wait to visit Spartanburg this weekend. I miss our SC friends a bunch. Yall take care and let me know what is going on.
I seriously can't believe how big Brady is! He is such a cutie. I am so glad to hear things are going good for you guys. Hopefully your mom and you will start to feel better soon. Take Care!
So good to hear from you. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers as you have made this transition. We will continue to pray for you and your mom. Keep us updated. Sounds like a wonderful place.
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