Thursday, January 17, 2008


It is ...................................snowing/raining/ sleeting the whole bit....but it is so beautiful...
I can't wait to go outside. School is out so all the kids will be playing. It is going to be a fun day!


Marianna Jane said...

How fun! Wish I could be there! Make sure to drink some hot chocolate to stay warm!! :)

Gina said...

Hey...I stumbled over here to your blog from Dana Bosley's blog. It's been fun reading about you guys. You look amazing (as usual). I cannot believe how much Brady has grown! You can link to our blog from this post. We're in Louisiana...we don't get to see any of the white stuff...only mold and rain! Lots of rain!

Unknown said...

I found you!!!! I am sad I have missed so much, and I am crying because I miss you. We have also moved, but just across town. New address will be coming your way soon. I want to say that you are an inspiration for me, just like you always have been. Your blog is sure to help shorten the distance between us! I love and I miss my friend!!! Amy