Saturday, January 19, 2008

The weekend

Well our weekend started with Matt coming home!! Then Brady got sick. But somehow when Matt is here, it just doesn't seem to so bad. I think Brady's nose didn't run for approximately 3 days since before Christmas and then it started again. He is coughing pretty bad so we are staying in now. I guess we will go see the doc on Monday. My only regret is that I missed Jane's Lasagna tonight. I saw Dustin today. That always makes me a happy girl too! Hope your weekend is going well. It is snowing again, but not sticking. It looks pretty coming down.

1 comment:

Eppie said...

Hey Montie, sounds like everything is going great. I love reading your new blog. You mentioned moving, where are you guys off to now? Tell your great kids a big hello from the Oklahoma gang. Miss ya, Eppie