Sunday, January 27, 2008

Make new friends, but keep the old.

Well we made it through the week. Brady is better and I actually enjoyed staying home all week with him. It was cold and we snuggled a lot. Matt was here and that was great. Man I am going to miss Spartanburg. I LOVE our church family so much. They have been here through it all with Brady. Their support, love, and some of them even volunteered to be trained for therapy! I am not giving them up! We have been so fortunate in the church family area. God has now placed us in two caring, loving churches and given me new friends here in SC that I never imagined. I still have people in the Edmond Church that I love dearly. ( you know who you are) Even though we don't talk much...(at least until this blogging thing caught on-now we can keep up with each other)...I feel close to them. I trust that God has a friend waiting for me in Virginia. She might be in church, or she might be across the street.
Wherever she is she could never take your places, but I know she will be an addition to my heart. Those of you already occupying my heart are there for good.


Gina said...

If we wouldn't have moved to LA I would have never met some of the people I am closest to. Of course I am with you...there are so many dear people out there that I miss!

Montie said...

Hey Gina, I am so happy to be back in touch with you. Your picture looks wonderful! You are right. Moving just expands your heart! Tell Damon we said hello. Matt is full time Army at Fort Eustis, VA. That is where we are going. TAlk soon. Love, M

Audrey said...

Mwwwah! Love you Montie! I know you will find peace in your new home. We'll be praying for you!

By the way, I tagged you!